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   2022-10-19 国际无人系统长安29

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The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) publishedguidelines to establish the noise levels of drones below 600 kg, the first proposal worldwide for this, applicable to a wide variety of drone designs including multicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and powered-lift aircraft.


These guidelines aim at providing harmonised procedures to measure the noise of drones used in the low and medium-risk operations of the‘specific’ category. This will contribute to a high, uniform level of environmental protection and prevent significant harmful effects of noise on human health in the EU, as mandated by the EASA Basic Regulation.


These guidelines are to be used on a voluntary basis and do not constitute applicable requirements for the certification of drones. They intend to close the gap relating to noise measurement standards in the ‘specific’ category. Operations within this category might include activities such as package deliveries, powerline inspections, bird control, mapping services, aerial surveillance or roof inspections.   

EASA认证负责人Rachel Daeschler表示,“这些新型航行器将用于各种地点,并引入不熟悉的噪声,随着设计的多样化而变化。EASA发现许多欧洲市民都非常在意噪音。这些指南旨在提供一致的测量方案,为制造商、国家航空局和其他相关机关设定标准。”

“These new types of aircraft will be used in a wide variety of locations and introduce unfamiliar sounds which vary with the diversity of design,” said EASA Certification Director Rachel Daeschler. “EASA recognises that noise is a concern for many European citizens. These guidelines aim to offer a consistent measurement method and will help set expectations for manufacturers, national aviation authorities and other relevant authorities.”


As one example, National Aviation Authorities could utilise these guidelines as a basis for requesting operators to use drones with reduced noise emissions when operating in sensitive environments such as natural parks or in populated areas.


These guidelines can also be used by drone manufacturers, operators or noise measurement organisations to establish noise levels associated with particular designs and operations. It is recommended that the resulting noise levels be reported to EASA, which later intends to build an online public repository available to operators and competent authorities. 


The proposed procedures are the outcome of several years of drone noise studies conducted by EASA, taking into consideration the technical aspects as well as human perception of drone noise (psychoacoustics). They are designed to provide repeatable and accurate noise measurements and to allow for a fair comparison between various drone designs. They are relevant to the operations of the‘specific’ category, while remaining proportionate (in complexity and cost) to the design of such drones. 


The proposed guidelines are open to public consultation until January 13, 2023. Comments can be submitted through the Comment Response Tool (CRT).

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