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国际资讯|Fruity Chutes支持M2无人机类别认证;美航管局豁免允许精准农业无人机在佛罗里达牧场上空进行超视距飞行_国际资讯_行业资讯_国际无人系统网

国际资讯|Fruity Chutes支持M2无人机类别认证;美航管局豁免允许精准农业无人机在佛罗里达牧场上空进行超视距飞行

   2022-11-15 IUVS长安67
核心提示:Fruity Chutes支持M2无人机类别认证Fruity Chutes Supports M2 Type Certification in United Safety EffortIris Ultralight确保


Fruity Chutes支持M2无人机类别认证

Fruity Chutes Supports M2 Type Certification in United Safety Effort

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Iris Ultralight确保M2无人机的类别认证,因Fruity Chutes和Matternet Spearhead率先应用了无人机系统(UAS)安全实践。

Iris Ultralight Ensures Safety for M2 Drone in Type Certification as Fruity Chutes and Matternet Spearhead Applied UAS Safety Practices.

无人机伞降回收系统领先且历史最悠久的供应商Fruity Chutes近日宣布与Matternet创立合作关系,获取美联邦类别认证。该公司提供了必要的安全组件,包括减震绳、安全带和降落伞——即Iris Ultralight无人机降落伞。此次突破性成功标志着Fruity Chutes成为首个无人机降落伞完成为期4年FAA评估过程的UAS回收公司。

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government introduced legislation Monday that 

Fruity Chutes的回收组件在两家公司六年的合作中与M2无人机集成在一起。为了满足降落伞回收需求,96” Iris Ultralight与M2无人机结合之后进行了第三方测试,符合ASTM F3322-18标准,它要求在不同条件下成功完成超过45次降落伞部署的飞行测试。此外,FAA类别认证要求降落伞系统维持成百上千的飞行时间(基于人口密度),中间没有任何失误。对于没有降落伞的系统所需的时长要翻倍。

Fruity Chutes’ recovery components were integrated with the M2 drone over a six year collaboration between the two companies. To meet parachute recovery requirements, the combined 96” Iris Ultralight and M2 drone underwent third-party testing for ASTM F3322-18 standards, which requires flight testing of over 45 successful parachute deployments under varying conditions. Additionally, FAA Type Certification requires systems employing parachutes to complete (based on population density) anywhere from hundreds to thousands of flight hours without failure. The required hours double for systems without a parachute.

Fruity Chutes创始人兼执行董事Gene Engelgau表示,“此次漫长的过程即是关于对FAA进行你的安全案例争论,而降落伞能够帮助证明这一点。它降低了受伤、死亡和其他事故的统计概率。安全性一直是我们优先考虑的因素,而此次成就也重申了我们降落伞的安全性和可靠性。”

“This long process is about arguing your safety case to the FAA, and the parachute helps you make that case. It lowers the statistical probability of injuries, fatalities, and other accidents,” said Gene Engelgau, founder and CEO of Fruity Chutes. “Safety has always been our priority, and this achievement reaffirms the safety and reliability of our parachutes.” 

在Fruity Chutes和Matternet的成功审查过程中,Matternet监管战略副总裁Jim O'Sullivan强调了Fruity Chutes降落伞作为减少着陆风险最优选择的原因:“几年来,Fruity Chutes一直是我们很好的合作伙伴。他们在设计和产品整合方面给予了我们很大的帮助,我们也很满意其降落伞产品的质量。”

In a post-success review between Fruity Chutes and Matternet, Jim O’Sullivan, VP of Regulatory Strategy for Matternet, noted how Fruity Chutes parachutes were the optimal choice for mitigating ground risk: “Over the years, Fruity Chutes has been great to work with. They’ve helped us out with design and certainly helped us with product integration, and we’ve been happy with the quality of Fruity Chutes products.”

两家公司自2015年起就建立了稳固的合作关系。Matternet于2016年开始使用Fruity Chutes降落伞作为其FAA类别认证安全策略的一部分。之后,双方将继续合力引领无人机行业的安全实践。

The two companies have fostered a sound partnership since 2015. Matternet settled on using Fruity Chutes parachutes as part of their safety strategy for FAA Type Certification in 2016. Moving forward, Fruity Chutes and Matternet will continue their collaborative efforts in spearheading safety practices for the UAS industry. 



FAA waiver allows precision agriculture drones to fly BVLOS over Florida ranch

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联邦航空管理局(FAA)获得Part 107豁免,允许无人机在佛罗里达大牧场上空超视距飞行。这些无人机是用于收集精准农业数据,以帮助农夫发展更多可持续性实践。

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted a Part 107 waiver allowing drones to fly beyond visual line of sight (BLVOS) over a large ranch in Florida. The purpose of these drones is to collect precision agriculture data that would ultimately help farmers to develop more sustainable practices.

总部位于华盛顿的无人机公司Aerial Vantage获许进行超视距飞行。其操作者现在可以在1000英尺高空飞行,目视观察员确保清除的空域存在于远程飞行员的视野之外。

The approval for BVLOS missions has been given to Washington, DC-based drone company Aerial Vantage. Its operators can now fly as high as 1,000 feet, with visual observers ensuring cleared airspace exists beyond the view of the remote pilot. 

Aerial Vantage不仅要收集无人机飞行图像,还将运用其内置数据管理平台进行图像分析,处理农业相关的各种问题。更好地了解入侵植物物种和牧场翻新、捕获牲畜库存、预估木材量、监测挖掘活动和计算野生动物数量。

Not only will Aerial Vantage collect imagery with drone flights, the company would also use its in-house data management platform to analyze the imagery and address multiple issues related to farming. This would include everything from gaining a better understanding of invasive plant species and pasture renovations to capturing livestock inventories, estimating timber volume, monitoring excavation activities, and counting wildlife.

Aerial Vantage飞行运营主任Bill Keating表示:此次豁免使得我们为行业提供更大规模的精准农业数据能力发生了有意义的变化。

Bill Keating, the director of flight operations at Aerial Vantage, says:This waiver grants us a meaningful change in our ability to provide precision agriculture data on a larger scale to the industry.

在该豁免支撑下的飞行操作始于2022年10月初,受官方认证已达两年。同时,尽管当前的用例都集中于精准农业,一旦Aerial Vantage能够在豁免权下展现可靠且安全的操作,就能够涉足其他领域的超视距任务,如应急和基础设计监测领域。

Flight operations under this waiver began in early October 2022 and are authorized for up to two years. And while the current use case may focus on precision agriculture, once Aerial Vantage is able to demonstrate reliable and safe operations under the waiver, it may be able to conduct BVLOS missions in other areas such as emergency response and infrastructure inspections. 

Aerial Vantage解释说,该豁免是在北卡罗来纳州交通部的协助下,通过参与FAA的BEYOND计划获得的。

Aerial Vantage explains that the waiver has been obtained with assistance from the North Carolina Department of Transportation through its participation in the FAA’s BEYOND program.

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