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Seven-Eleven Japan tests drone delivery service_国际资讯(英文版)_行业资讯_国际无人系统网

Seven-Eleven Japan tests drone delivery service

   2021-12-06 外网茄子18
核心提示:A major Japanese convenience store chain and a leading airline have teamed up to test a delivery service using drones.Se

A major Japanese convenience store chain and a leading airline have teamed up to test a delivery service using drones.

Seven-Eleven Japan and ANA Holdings lead a group that has been holding tests since late November in Hinode a sparsely populated area in western Tokyo.

The drone is about 2 meters long, and can carry goods up to 5 kilograms.

In the test, convenience store staff received orders online and loaded the items, including tea and onigiri rice balls, on to the drone.

The drone takes off from a Seven-Eleven parking lot, and can deliver goods to four designated places, including a park 2 kilometers away.

Seven-Eleven aims to put the drone delivery service into practical use focusing on less-populated areas.

The company wants to start the service by fiscal 2025, offering deliveries within 30 minutes.

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