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June 7th | World News_国际资讯(英文版)_行业资讯_国际无人系统网

June 7th | World News

   2022-06-07 IUVSVerlyn49
核心提示:Event 38 announced the release of its first VTOL Drone E400Event38公司宣布推出该公司的第一架VTOL无人机E400Drone Manufact

Event 38 announced the release of its first VTOL Drone E400



Drone Manufacture Event 38, headquartered in State of Ohio, launched its first drone with vertical take-off and landing(VTOL) functionality, named E400. Designed and manufactured in America,it is on the short list of fixed-wing VTOL drones made locally.

总部位于俄亥俄州的无人机制造商 Event 38刚刚发布了其第一架名为E400的 VTOL 无人机,它于美国生产制造,是美国本土制造的固定翼VTOL无人机短名单上的一员。

The E400 is a fixed-wing VTOL mapping drone, with a flight time of ninety minutes, which is similar to Dragonfish from Autel and a number of products manufactured by different companies around the globe.

来自Event38的E400拥有90分钟的飞行时间,是一款固定翼VTOL无人机,类似于Autel 的 Dragonfish 和全球不同公司制造的许多其他产品。

Another feature of E400 is the plane’s hot-swap payload bay. The E400’s payload can be changed within one minute, without the help of any specialty tools and skills, minimizing down time between missions.


Jeff Taylor, the founder and CEO of Event 38, said: “We have produced fixed-wing drones for more than ten years, but E400 is our first fixed-wing drone with vertical take-off and landing capability.” We are proud of this. At Event 38, we’re always looking for ways to make our drones more useful and accessible. Adding the VTOL functionality improved the user friendliness of the E400 by leaps and bounds.

Event38创始人兼CEO Jeff Taylor说:“我们制造固定翼无人机已经超过十年了,但E400是我们第一架具有VTOL能力的固定翼无人机”为此,我们感到非常自豪。在Event38,我们一直在寻找能够让我们的无人机更加实用且更多人可用的方法。增加VTOL功能后,E400的用户友好度有了飞跃性的提高。

Drones Over Buckingham Palace for Platinum Jubilee Concert



Daily Mail reported on June 4th, Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Party was held in Buckingham Palace in London, with a wonderful drone show.


During the show, 400 drones were made into a sky-size corgi, a cup of tea and queen’s tote bags, which light up the sky over Buckingham Palace. People can witness this grand spectacle from a mile away.

其中,400 架无人机被用来制作一只天空大小的柯基犬、一杯茶和女王的手提包,这些手提包照亮了白金汉宫上空的天空,在女王陛下的白金禧年音乐会期间可以看到数英里之外。

It was reported that it took up to five to six months to prepare this drone show, created by drone light show company SKYMAGIC. In case that the “top-secret performance” may be revealed ahead of time, the company had to rehearse in “off-grid locations”.

据悉,无人机灯光秀公司SKYMAGIC 创作的此次无人机表演筹备时间长达五到六个月,该公司不得不在“离网地点”进行排练,以免提前透露“绝密表演”。

Swiss Post to hand over drone delivery service to Matternet in California



According to DroneDJ reported on June 2nd, American drone logistics company will took over drone delivery service from Swiss Post from the date of Jan 1st in the year of 2023, and meanwhile construct Europe’s first drone delivery network within city in Switzerland.


During the five-year cooperation between Swiss Post and Matternet, both parties has jointly achieved many milestones, including the first commercial drone delivery route beyond the visual line of sight(BVLOS) in Lugano as well as major cities in Europe.


Matternet said, it will cooperate with a batch of private and public entity to construct Europe’s first urban drone delivery network in Swiss. More of the related details will be released in the next few months.


Zipline in Nigeria: Medical Drone Delivery Offers “Instant Logistics”



June 3rd, instant logistics leader Zipline carried out its first series of drone deliveries in Nigeria’s Kaduna State, completing its integration with local health systems and regulatory authorities.

6月3日, 即时物流领头人Zipline 在尼日利亚卡杜纳州实施一系列无人机运输服务, 完成了与当地卫生系统和监管机构的整合。

Zipline will run three distribution centers within Kaduna State, with a reach of 46,000 square kilometers enabling the company to deliver to roughly 500 health facilities. Zipline will initially deliver over 200 different medical products, including medicines and vaccines, with plans to expand in the near future.


“Instant logistics enables governments and health systems to optimize their supply chains and reimagine how care is delivered,” said Daniel Marfo, Zipline’s Senior Vice President of Africa. “Today’s flights mark one more step toward unlocking these benefits for millions more people, and bringing us one step closer to effective, agile systems that better serve all people.”

Zipline非洲高级副总裁Daniel Marfo表示, “即时物流可优化政府和卫生系统的供应链,重构提供护理的方法。如今,无人机行业在为成百上千人谋福利的道路上再进一步,也让我们更接近发展有效快捷的系统,更好地为人民服务的目标。”

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