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June 15th | World News_国际资讯(英文版)_行业资讯_国际无人系统网

June 15th | World News

   2022-06-15 IUVSVerlyn68
核心提示:Determination to Be a Global Drone Hub Clear in India’s First Government Approved Drone Announcement印度首个由政府批准

Determination to Be a Global Drone Hub Clear in India’s First Government Approved Drone Announcement



India’s first government approved drone, the Agribot, was certified in only 35 days – the latest evidence of the country’s determination to support domestic drone manufacturing and become a global drone hub.


The government hopes that an efficient type certification process will encourage a robust drone manufacturing ecosystem.  “The drone certification scheme is likely to create an eco-system for world class drones to be manufactured in India and sold all across the world.  There are 14 drone prototypes that are currently undergoing the certification tests.  The number of Type Certified prototypes may exceed 100 over the next three years,” says the Ministry press release.


India’s determination to become a global drone hub is most firmly supported by an outright ban on the import of foreign drones for domestic use, combined with a more free import structure for drone components.

印度决心成为一个全球无人机中心最主要的原因是 对于进口国外无人机为国内所用的禁令以及对于无人机零部件更加自由的进口架构。

Given its traditional strengths in innovation, information technology, frugal engineering; supportive policies, monetary incentives and a huge domestic demand base, India has the potential of becoming a global drone hub by 2030,” says the Ministry of Civil Aviation.


Ampaire working with Black & Veatch to expand electrified aviation infrastructure 

Ampaire与Black&Veatch 合作扩大电气化航空基础设施规模


Black & Veatch and Ampaire will work to identify and evaluate opportunities to plan, engineer and construct infrastructure for electric air mobility at airports, working with early adopters in the Americas, Europe and Asia.


According to the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the two companies, the global collaboration will focus on creating reliable, clean-energy-powered charging and sustainable aviation fueling supply – at a growing number of airports – leveraging solar, energy storage and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) supply chain development. The initiative seeks to include a broad range of air and ground side stakeholders who will benefit from shared infrastructure and Black & Veatch’s deep knowledge of power and communications infrastructure applied to this innovative industry sector. 

根据两个公司间的谅解备忘录,此次全球性合作将侧重于在越来越多的机场建立可靠的、以清洁能源为动力的充电站和可持续航空燃料供应站-利用太阳能、能量储备和可持续航空燃料(SAF)供应链发展。该倡议寻求包括广泛的航空和地面利益相关者, 他们将从公共基础设施以及Black&Veatch对于应用于此创新工业的交通设施和能源的深刻了解中受益。

Ampaire is committed to putting zero-emissions aircraft into widespread service by mid-decade.Governments, companies and communities around the world are making lowering their carbon footprints a priority, and the transportation sector is helping accelerate positive change. 


Amazon to Begin Prime Air Drone Deliveries in California this year

亚马逊今年开始在加利福尼亚州实行Prime Air无人机运输服务


Hundreds of scientists, engineers, aerospace professionals, and futurists have been working hard to make it a reality—and later this year, Amazon customers living in Lockeford, California, will become among the first to receive Prime Air deliveries.

成千上万的科学家、工程师、航空专家和未来学家都在努力实现这一目标,位于加利福尼亚州洛克弗德的亚马逊消费者将会成为首批接收Prime Air无人机配送服务的客户。

As we launch the service in Lockeford, we’ll also be investing in the community, creating new jobs, building partnerships with local organizations, and helping reduce carbon emissions—all thanks to this futuristic technology that could one day become just as common as seeing an Amazon delivery van pull up outside your house.


We are working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and local officials in Lockeford to obtain permission to conduct these deliveries and will continue with that collaboration into the future.


Urban-Air Port and Blue Innovation to co-develop advanced air mobility vertiports in Japan



Urban-Air Port Ltd (UAP), the British start-up company developing zero emission ground infrastructure for eVTOL passenger air taxis and autonomous delivery drones have signed an MOU with Blue Innovation Co. Ltd (BI), a Japanese autonomous drone and robotics solutions provider.


The agreement will see the two companies collaborate on creating several proofs of concept (POC) for autonomous medical and logistics drone operations and co-development of vertiports to establish the first advanced air mobility (AAM) hub using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Japan. 


The collaboration between UAP and BI will enable further POCs to be developed in an effort to create social implementation of AAM not just in Japan, but on a global scale.


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